The recently organized Anthony Halberstadt Chapter Color Guard has been very active since its inception earlier this year. The first organized activity was posting the colors at the chapter’s meeting on 17 June 2023 followed by participation in a ceremony at the Shepherd’s House event later the same day (See Shepherd’s House post for details).
On 16 July the members of the Color Guard participated in the annual General Mad Anthony event at Freimann Square in downtown Fort Wayne. Those present in period uniform attire were Gary Stebbins Chapter Color Guard Commander, Dr Thomas Whiteman and Indiana 2nd District Color Guard Commander Rick Smurden. Chapter Chaplain State Senator Dennis Kruse was also in attendance.
The Color Guard was also honored to present the American Colors and the American “Betsy Ross” flag at Grace Point Ministries in Fort Wayne 2 July 2023 during their Sunday Service. The colors were presented in full uniform with sabers and a musket with a fixed bayonet while the National Anthem and several Patriotic Songs were played. The Pastor discussed the importance of the Church and its relationship to our County, and spoke highly of Churches that conduct Patriot Christian Services. He is hoping a 3rd Great Revival is near in our Country, and that we find our way back to God and to our Country’s Values.
The Color Guard also participated in a more somber event at the funeral of Chapter Past President Compatriot David Peters on 27 July. The Chapter was requested to perform an SAR Funeral Rite Service which included posting of the colors and a flag folding ceremony. The folded flag was then presented to Compatriot Peters mother with several family members looking on. On 30 July Chapter President Jeff Jones, Compatriot James Hamilton and Color Guard Commander Gary Stebbins performed color guard duties for a funeral ceremony in Bryan, Ohio for Compatriot Dr. James Niday who was also a U.S. Navy Veteran (1951-54) and Rhodes Scholar.