The regular quarterly Chapter meeting was held on Saturday June 22, 2024 at the Allen County Public Library Main Branch in Fort Wayne. There were a number of new members inducted along with several award presentations.
New members inducted by District VP Dr. Thomas Whiteman are (from top left clockwise) Mr. Robert Wilmer Mills, Mr Bradley Michael Mills, Mr Erik Christopher Chelius and Mr. Nathan Richard Halberstadt. Chapter President Jeff Jones welcomed each new compatriot and presented them with membership certificates.
Several Service Anniversary awards were announced at the meeting by President Jones. On hand to receive a 5 year membership certificate was Compatriot James Douglas Hamilton (left) with Compatriot John Alexander (right) presented a 25 year certificate previously delivered by Compatriot Secretary Ron Kohart. Other Anniversary awards announced included Compatriot Dr. Neal Chase Pitts 45 Years; Compatriot Jason Kurt Schmidt 15 Years; Compatriot Jeffrey William Jones 10 Years; Compatriot John Douglas Hamilton 5 Years and Compatriot Stephen James Hamilton 5 Years.
Compatriot Secretary Ron Kohart was presented with a Gold America 250th Award Certificate for completing service items required for the award. The Gold certificate is awarded at the National SAR level after submission of required documentation of service and is the highest level America 250th Award that is issued by the SAR. Congratulations Compatriot Kohart!