Chapter By-Laws




Section 1.       

a. Name and Affiliation:The Chapter existing under these By-Laws is to be known as; The Anthony Halberstadt Chapter, a part of the Indiana Society of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.

b. The Anthony Halberstadt Chapter is affiliated with the Indiana Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, and The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, through a charter granted by the INSSAR with the authority granted by the NSSAR.

c. The Anthony Halberstadt Chapter has been designated non-profit identity by the State of Indiana and is recognized as a 501 (c) (3) entity by the Internal Revenue Service.

Section 2.        The objects of this Chapter are as set forth in the Constitution.


Section 1.        The officers and their terms of office are as set forth in the Constitution.

Section 2.        The duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings and to have a casting vote. He shall exercise the usual functions of the office and shall enforce strict observance of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Chapter. He shall endeavor to establish and maintain a program of activities which will be of interest to the membership.

Section 3.        The duties of the Vice President shall be to preside at meetings in the absence of the President. He shall assume and discharge such duties as may be delegated by the President.

Section 4.        The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep fair and accurate records of all the proceedings and orders; and shall give notice to the several officers of all votes, orders, resolves and proceedings of the Chapter and Society affecting them or appertaining to their respective duties. He shall give due notice of the time and place of all meetings. He shall conduct the general correspondence under the direction of the President. The Chapter Secretary, immediately after election, shall notify the State Society and the National Society of the names and addresses of the newly-elected officers.

The primary duty of the Assistant Secretary/ Webmaster shall be to develop, support and maintain the Chapter’s website and social media platforms.  The Assistant Secretary may also be asked to fulfill the duties of the office of the Secretary in the event of his absence, incapacity, death or resignation.

Section 5.        The duties of the Treasurer shall be to collect and keep funds of the Chapter and deposit same in & bank or savings institution designated by the officers. He shall draw on the funds for the payment of such obligations as may be approved by the officers or membership. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and disbursements and make a report thereof from time to time and submit an annual account at each annual meeting.

Section 6.        The duties of the Registrar shall be to keep a roll of the members and shall examine and approve, or disapprove, applications for membership.

Section 7.        The duties of the Historian shall be to keep the records of the historical and commemorative meetings, and he shall supervise the preparation and printing of its historical publications.

Section 8.        The duties of the Chaplain shall be to attend meetings and to pronounce the invocation and benediction and endeavor to give spiritual guidance to the membership.

Section 9.        The duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms shall be to preserve order at all meetings, and to perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the President.


Section 1.        The Executive Committee’s duties, and their terms of office, are as set forth in the Constitution.


Section 1.        The President shall serve as delegate to the annual Congress of the National Society and the annual State Society meetings. Such other delegates as the Chapter is allowed, will be selected by the members.


Section 1.        The regular meetings shall be held four times during the year. Dates to be determined by the membership. The last meeting to be the annual meeting, and the election of new officers.

Section 2.        Called meetings shall be held upon the call of the President or three (3) other members.

Section 3.        Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4:         The Officers, Membership, and all Committees of the Anthony Halberstadt Chapter may participate in Special meeting, or conduct a meeting through use of any means of communication by which all individuals participating may simultaneously hear each other during the meeting. This provision Shall allow for the use of the internet, a conference telephone, video conference or other communications method so long as all individuals participating in the meeting can communicate with each other at the same time. A participant in a meeting by this means is deemed to be present at the meeting.  Voting on all matters shall be permitted, with votes cast by individualized voice vote of the participants or by an electronic vote tabulation means by which the Chairman (President) of the meeting shall be able to confirm the submission of a vote by an individual member. Proxy voting shall not be permitted. This provision shall be interpreted to permit any electronic means that combines voice and/or video communication with capability of document sharing either in advance of or during the meeting.


Section 1.        The President, shall appoint such committees as the Chapter may deem necessary.


Section 1.        Every member shall furnish the Secretary with his address for mailing purposes.

Section 2.        The Secretary shall give written notice to all members of the dates of meetings and such other notices as the President may direct.


Section 1.        All proceedings of the Chapter shall be conducted under and pursuant to Roberts Rules of Order, except as herein otherwise provided.


Section 1.        This Chapter shall incur, or cause to be incurred, no liability nor obligation whatever which shall subject to liability any other Chapter, subdivision, group of men, members of the S.A.R., or any individuals, corporations, or organizations.


Section 1. The annual dues of members of the Anthony Halberstadt Chapter shall be equal to the sum of (1) National Society dues as duly established by the National Society; (2) Indiana Society dues as duly established by the House of Delegates; and (3) Chapter dues as duly established by the Chapter.  Annual membership follows the normal calendar year January 1st – December 31st

Section 2.  Chapter dues will remain unchanged year-to-year unless modified by the Executive Committee and approved by a simple majority vote of the membership in attendance at a Chapter meeting no later than the third meeting of the year (typically September).  Notice of a proposed change in dues is to be made at least thirty days in advance of the meeting where action is to be taken.

Section 3.  For reinstatements and new member applications approved by the National Society late in the year, the Anthony Halberstadt Chapter will follow the same dues credit policy as stated in the State Society By-Laws.

Section 4. The Chapter Secretary may demit the Chapter dues of any member because of age, infirmity, or inability to pay, on receipt of a documented request from the member and approval of the Chapter Executive Committee.  This request should normally be made using the State Society “Request for Waiver of State Society Dues” form and be forwarded on to the State Secretary for consideration.  Waiver of Chapter dues is not dependent on approval at the State level.  All requests shall be handled confidentially.

Section 5.  In accordance with National Society policies, an Indiana Society member who has paid National dues for 50 or more years shall automatically be exempt from further payment of National and Indiana Society annual dues.  The Anthony Halberstadt Chapter will follow the same policy for Chapter Dues.

Section 6.  The Chapter Secretary may demit the Chapter dues of any active member of the military deployed for overseas duty.


Section 1.  The Treasurer shall submit a proposed budget of income and expenses for the coming fiscal year at the winter Chapter meeting for review before it is submitted for action at the following Spring meeting. An updated report of the budget shall be submitted at each meeting of the Executive Committee and the Chapter.

Section 2.  The annual budget for the fiscal year shall be presented for action to the Chapter membership by the Treasurer at the Spring Meeting of the Chapter. When officially adopted by the membership by a simple majority vote of the membership in attendance, expenditures for the fiscal year shall be limited to the total amount thereof, except that with distribution of notice of the proposed change at least thirty days’ notice prior to the Chapter meeting at which action is to be taken, the Chapter may act to approve modification of the budget.

Section 3.  The Fiscal Year for the Chapter is from April 1 through March 31.

Section 4.  All disbursements shall be made by check. The date of payment and check number will be posted to each voucher at time of payment.

Revision History

June 14, 1970: Original By-Laws document approved at a regular meeting in Decatur, Indiana.

December 1, 2018:  Amended to add new officer position of Assistant Secretary/ Webmaster.

December 5, 2020:  Amended to add new Articles X Dues and XI Budgets.

March 20, 2021:  Amended to add new Article V, Section 4, allowing electronic meetings and to make minor corrections to Articles X and XI.

December 4, 2021:  Amended Article I Section 1 to comply with INSSAR recommended organizational language and Article X Section 1 to define membership year.